Laura the Mom | Buzzfeed Mom Jeans

Well, Ila and I stared in our first Buzzfeed video! 
I was the "mom jean expert" for a buzzfeed video on how to style "mom jeans". This was done for the Ladylike team at Buzzfeed which is a super rad group of ladies that are exploring topics on what it means to be a lady in this day and age. 

Apparently my advice on Mom Jean style is taken seriously ... somewhat... I mean this is buzzfeed that we are talking about here, so of course it is all with a good dose of fun. 

You can watch the video above or here. Below are a few behind the scenes shots. 

I did this just for the fun of it, but also with a hope to drop in some C O A S T style, which worked wonderfully!

My favorite mom jeans are from HERE / HERE / HERE and HERE. And the jeans in the video are these ones right HERE.

My weird open back top is from here. My button up top and blazer is from C O A S T (of course!).

That was fun! Thanks Buzzfeed!

Laura Bear aka Laura Buzzfeed Mom Jean Expert (ha)

ps - big shout out to my bf and business partner Anne, who came and helped me nail down the looks + wrangled ila while I did my thing.