Bike Basket

[weekend summer love]

the county fair

A bit of stl in the oc

At first I felt sad for the caged Clydesdale horses and the little dalmatian.

But then I remembered my trip to the Budweiser Brewery and how those little guys are all treated like royalty and pampered.

They did look tired. It was only 9 here but that's 11:00pm in St. Louis!

I bet that is way past their bedtimes. Plus I'm sure they were a bit jet lagged.

Sleepy horsey

His name is freckles and he weighs 2197 pounds!!

There was even an ice sculpture museum at the fair!

and of course we had to take the "creep show" ride. It was scary and romantic ♥

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

OH I forgot to mention.

Differences between the fair where I am from and the fair here.

Asphalt ground rather than dirt. I'm used to preparing and wearing crummy boots that can get muddy and beat up.

Not at this fair.

There were girls prancing around in 4 inch strappy numbers.
Should have guessed the OC fair would be like that.

And where I'm from Cheese Curds and elephant ears are the big fair treat.

Out here, it's funnel cakes and deep fried, well, anything.

Deep fried butter, deep fried Coke, Deep fried twinkies.

I think if you asked em to deep fry your cotton candy they would find a way to do it.

I ate for the first time...

- A corn Dog
- A Bavarian Cream Funnel Cake
-Fried Oreos (2)
-waffle Fries
-A bag of cotton candy

All of it.
I know.

I shall never be hungry again.