
.gif-y Heaven From LA Times Magazine

I am just swooning over the snow globe collection featured this past Sunday in LA Times Magazine.

Click to make larger!
Hoover and shake it to make "snow" :)

And then to top off the awesomeness....

they have them as yummy snow globe .gif-yness over here!

And not nearly as fun but still cheery,
December 2009's collection...
Do you have any Holiday Collections?

For the past four years I have been collecting cookie cutters, Glass Ornaments and cookie tins.
But now I am thinking I should also be collecting snow globes! What fun!

*ps- here is a list I made yesterday of eBay cookie tins that I'm sweet on.
*pps- Martha has diy snow globes featured here
*ppps- She often has really cool .gif-y fun


a.) my hair is reeediculous (see picture... yikes)
yet I am kind of digging it
or at least until I get to the hairdresser
which is downstairs from my apartment
so really, laziness is no excuse.

b.) the holiday's are pretty much here,
so that means busy
all sorts of busy
lots to do
no time to waste.

cards to address, pantry to be stocked,
things to be made, shop to be re-opened,
Turkey to be bought, pictures to be edited,
vacation to be organized, booze to be bought...

I gave myself a deadline and plan to meet it...


Need lot's of coffee...
I'm a bit scattered this morning...
and therefore so this post will be.
(and apparently like Yoda, I will talk)...

Halloween is so much fun.
But I honestly think the reason I like it so much,
is because it means Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner!

 I've been getting Holiday Catalogs in the mail the past few days...
and I have to say... I'm excited to wear this outfit again...

Halloween post tonight!