
i break everything. I used to have a few of dad's blown glasses, those are almost all broke....
I dropped my favorite beer mug that I have a lot of memories attached to...

it still reminds me of what Grandma Hagan's kitchen cubbards smelt like. ...
see the crack in it's side... booo..

Breaking it reminded me of how much I like it and should take care of it... and it was the starting point of my Budweiser paraphernalia collection....

yeah, this is only a part of my collection...
The other half is in CA.

I own beer cozzies, a ringer t-shirt, and I also own a phone that looks like a 32 oz paper cup with the red Budweiser logo on the side and has a straw coming out the top for an antenna... the numbers to dial are on the bottom, and you hold it to your ear like you would any other cup. yeah...
pictures of that asap...

any more obsessed and I might have to move to Stl.

But this was the final straw... one of my favorite vases... oh how I hate that I broke it, and I WILL fix it, no matter how many times I have glued my fingers together in the process...
I shouldn't get so sad about breaking things, its just "stuff", but "stuff" makes up lots of memories.
anyone have advice on how to get super glue off the tips of fingers? I've tried everything from nail polish remover to biting... still there....

I told Nate about the broken vase, and he said. "yep, just keep walking around and eventually we wont even need the uHaul to move you!"
not funny.

i fixed it!!! >>>>>>