autumn thoughts

I'm well into an autumn state of mind, but summer keeps peeking through here every now and then...

the gardening gloves are still out

but the fireplace is getting used more and more as the warm nights are leaving and it's a bit nippy on the porch.

planting mums *and black eyed Susan's and zinnias, all in nice fall tones.

Sitting next to my fan is a rather strange bouquet of summer and fall colors.

The fan is back to being decorative, no longer used everyday (which is actually nice as it's a pretty loud ol' bugger)

and first harvest of apples from the farmers market!!
So of course I had to make a pie!

but lately I've really had to remind myself to enjoy the "right this second" and stop looking forward so much!

Fall will be here and gone before I know it, so I should really stop browsing Halloween decor and enjoy the Indian summer.

In the mean time I'll keep shooting hoops with the hubbie till the sun sets ... which is getting earlier and earlier.
