Penny loafers & BB Guns

     Penny Loafers
     - They make frilly spring dresses and skirts feel fresh phresh both - like this
     - Because ballet flats only perpetuate the girlishness, so some masculine flare can give you just that.

    Keeping up on numismatic news
     - apparently this shield penny is not so new... news to me. I think they look fake!
     - Pennies for your loafers are a good thing, or do you prefer dimes?

    Reupholstering an old favorite
     - This lovely chair has been in my kitchen for 7 years.
     It had a ratty white vinyl seat. I ripped it off and staple-gunned some sunbrella (stain/water/UV proof) fabric to it, et voila!
     I'm actually not sure that I love it...'tis a bit loud, but I do like the change.
     and yes, that is my 27 year old husbands "Red Ryder" BB gun that sits on our porch...

how this all ties together I am not really sure.